Sub-Categories: Lubricant
Appearance / Physical State: Gas(Aerosol), Liquid(Bulk)
Color: Brown
Odor: slight petroleum odor. Cherry
Melting / Freezing Point: <-58°F (<-50°C)
Boiling Point / Range: 383°F (195°C) @ 101kPa
Flash Point: 174.2°F (79.0°C) Tag Closed Cup (dispensed liquid)
Evaporation Rate: < 0.1 (BuAc = 1)
Flammability: 0.6 - 7.0%
Vapor Pressure: < 0.05 mm Hg @ 20°C
Vapor density: 4.7 (air=1)
Density: N/A
Partition Coefficient: < 1
Auto-Ignition Temperature: > 442.4°F (> 228°C)
Viscosity: <7 cSt
Percent volatile: 92-95%
VOC Content: 0% per U.S. State and Federal Consumer Product Regulations
Propellant: CO2
Dielectric Strength: 33 kV
Temperature Range: -58°F to 350°F
Specific Gravity: 0.82 - 0.86 @ 20°C