Sub-Categories: Lubricant
Appearance / Physical State: Gas
Color: Beige
Odor: Acetone
Boiling Point / Range: 132.8 °F (56 °C)
Flash Point: 132.8 °F (56.0 °C) Tag Closed Cup
Flammability: Flammable gas.
Vapor Pressure: < 0.05 mm Hg @ 20°C
Vapor density: 2 (air = 1)
Density: 6.80
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not available.
Viscosity: 260 cP @ 75°F (concentrate)
Percent volatile: 41.5%
VOC Content: 24.5 % per U.S. State and Federal Consumer Product Regulations
Temperature Range: 0°F (-18°C) to 400°F (204°C)
Specific Gravity: 0.82
4-Ball Weld Load: 126 kg
Thickener Type: Aluminum Complex