TKX All-Purpose Lubricant



Brief Overview:
Unleash the power of  TKX All-Purpose Lubricant, your ultimate solution for conquering corrosion, moisture, and stubbornly frozen parts. With its innovative formula, this lubricant penetrates the tiniest crevices and leaves behind a long-lasting, non-drying oily film, ensuring your equipment remains in peak condition. Its versatility allows application at any angle – even upside down, giving you total control over every application.
Product Title: TKX All-Purpose Lubricant – The Ultimate Protection and Lubrication Solution
Product Description:
TKX All-Purpose Lubricant is an exceptional, multi-functional formula designed to address a wide range of maintenance needs. Perfect for both industrial and household use, it effectively loosens rusted or frozen parts, displaces moisture, and offers superior protection against corrosion. This non-conductive lubricant is safe for various applications, ensuring reliability and longevity for all your metal parts and machinery.
Key Features:
  • Versatile Use: Ideal for bearings, gears, cables, and much more.
  • Corrosion Protection: Guards against rust and corrosion, extending the life of your equipment.
  • Moisture Displacement: Keeps moisture at bay, preventing water damage.
  • High Flash Point: Safe to use with a high flash point of >160°F (71°C).
  • Eco-Friendly: Free from chlorinated solvents and silicones.
  • Non-Conductive: Ensures safety in electrical environments.
From industrial machinery to household tools, TKX lubricates and protects:
  • Bearings, cables, chains, gears, and more.
  • Ideal for metal parts, machinery, dies, molds, and electrical equipment.
Directions for Use:
Shake well before using. Apply directly to the surface from any angle to cover hard-to-reach areas. For precision, use the attached extension tube.
Safety & Storage:
Store in a cool, ventilated place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Use personal protective equipment as required. Avoid prolonged skin contact.
Product Specifications:
Why Choose TKX All-Purpose Lubricant?
Choose TKX for its unparalleled efficiency in loosening frozen parts, displacing moisture, and protecting against corrosion. With its easy-to-use, spray-any-angle can, tackling maintenance challenges has never been easier or more effective. Trust  TKX to keep your equipment running smoothly under any conditions.


Sub-Categories: Lubricant

Appearance / Physical State: Gas(Aerosol), Liquid(Bulk)


Odor: Dark green

Melting / Freezing Point: Not available

Boiling Point / Range: 417.2°F (214°C)

Vapor Pressure: < 0.05 mm Hg @20°C

Partition Coefficient: <1 (n-octal/water)

Percent Volatile: 70%

Flammability: Lower: 0.6%, Upper: 7%

Propellant: CO2

VOC Content: 2.5% per US State & Federal Consumer Product Regulations

Color: Dark green

Flash Point: 163.4°F (73.0°C) Tag Closed Cup

Density: 0.83 - 0.85 @20°C (relative)

Evaporation Rate: < 0.1 BuAc

Vapor Density: 4.7

Auto-Ignition Temperature: > 442.4°F (> 228°C)

Viscosity: < 7 cSt @25°C

Specific Gravity: 0.83 - 0.85 @ 20°C

Water Solubility: < 3%

Temperature Range: -55°F to 300°F (-46°C to 149°C)

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